1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
| # # 7、进行标准化并筛选可变基因 # for (lc_i in tp_sc_st:tp_sc_len) { # tp_sc[[lc_i]] <- NormalizeData(tp_sc[[lc_i]], # normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000) # tp_sc[[lc_i]] <- FindVariableFeatures(tp_sc[[lc_i]], # selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000) # }
# 7.3 Scaling the data for (lc_i in tp_sc_st:tp_sc_len) { lc_all.genes <- rownames(tp_sc[[lc_i]]) tp_sc[[lc_i]] <- ScaleData(tp_sc[[lc_i]], features = lc_all.genes) }
# 11、进行PCA降维 for (lc_i in tp_sc_st:tp_sc_len) { tp_sc[[lc_i]] <- RunPCA(tp_sc[[lc_i]], features = VariableFeatures(object = tp_sc[[lc_i]])) }
# 12、决定主维度 pca_dim <- list() options(repr.plot.width=18, repr.plot.height=6) lc_s = 0 ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 1]], ndims = 40) + ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 2]], ndims = 40) pca_dim[lc_s + 1] <- 16 pca_dim[lc_s + 2] <- 16 lc_s = 2 ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 1]], ndims = 40) + ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 2]], ndims = 40) pca_dim[lc_s+1] <- 19 pca_dim[lc_s+2] <- 17 lc_s = 4 ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 1]], ndims = 40) + ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 2]], ndims = 40) pca_dim[lc_s+1] <- 18 pca_dim[lc_s+2] <- 16 lc_s = 6 ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 1]], ndims = 40) + ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 2]], ndims = 40) pca_dim[lc_s+1] <- 17 pca_dim[lc_s+2] <- 19 lc_s = 7 ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 1]], ndims = 40) + ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 2]], ndims = 40) pca_dim[lc_s+1] <- 19 pca_dim[lc_s+2] <- 16 lc_s = 9 ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 1]], ndims = 40) + ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 2]], ndims = 40) pca_dim[lc_s+1] <- 16 pca_dim[lc_s+2] <- 19 lc_s = 11 ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 1]], ndims = 40) + ElbowPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s + 2]], ndims = 40) pca_dim[lc_s+1] <- 16 pca_dim[lc_s+2] <- 16
# 13、UMAP降维可视化 for (lc_i in tp_sc_st:tp_sc_len) { tp_sc[[lc_i]] <- RunUMAP(tp_sc[[lc_i]], dims = 1:pca_dim[[lc_i]]) }
options(repr.plot.width=9, repr.plot.height=6) options(ggrepel.max.overlaps = Inf) lc_reduction = "umap" lc_s = 0 DimPlot(tp_sc[[lc_s+1]], reduction = lc_reduction, group.by = 'hM1_subclass', label = T, repel = T, label.size = 6) + labs(title = sprintf("%s of 10x", names(tp_sc)[[lc_s + 1]]))
# 14、查看所有分组,然后合并同类不同名的分组 tp_cName = c() for (lc_i in tp_sc_st:tp_sc_len) { lc_cN = unique(unlist(tp_sc[[lc_i]]@meta.data['hM1_subclass'])) tp_cName = c(tp_cName, lc_cN) } sort(unique(tp_cName))
f_listUpdateRe <- function(lc_obj, lc_bool, lc_item){ lc_obj[lc_bool] <- rep(lc_item,times=sum(lc_bool)) lc_obj }
f_subSameName <- function(lc_scRNA, lc_group.by, lc_name_x, lc_name_y){ for (lc_i in 1:length(lc_name_x)){ lc_x = lc_name_x[lc_i] lc_y = lc_name_y[lc_i] lc_idx = (lc_scRNA@meta.data[lc_group.by] == lc_x) lc_scRNA@meta.data[lc_group.by] = f_listUpdateRe(lc_scRNA@meta.data[lc_group.by], lc_idx, lc_y) } lc_scRNA }
for (lc_i in tp_sc_st:tp_sc_len) { tp_sc[[lc_i]] <- f_subSameName(tp_sc[[lc_i]], 'hM1_subclass', c('Astrocyte', 'Endothelial', 'LAMP5', 'Microglia', 'Oligodendrocyte', 'PVALB', 'SST', 'VIP'), c('Astro', 'Endo', 'Lamp5', 'Micro-PVM', 'Oligo', 'Pvalb', 'Sst', 'Vip')) }
# 15.1、构造图片保存方法 f_image_output <- function(fileName, image, width=1920, height=1080){ png(paste(fileName, ".png", sep=""), width = width, height = height) print(image) dev.off() }